Rabu, 01 Januari 2020

[online download] Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22)[Epub+Mobi+PDF+2019]

Posted by hy34r on Rabu, 01 Januari 2020

[online download] Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22)[Epub+Mobi+PDF+2019]

Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22)
Download Ebook VVIP++ Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Torrent / Mediafire/ Putlocker / Tusfile / Apps File: .CBR reader, 1.06 GB | 948.61 MB | 1.2 GB | 1.3 GB | 800.39 MB | 915.9 MB

Overview ++Premium VVIP Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22)

Fables is an American comic book series created and written by Bill Willingham, published by DC Comics' Vertigo. Willingham served as sole writer for its entirety, with Mark Buckingham penciling more than 110 issues. The series featured various other pencillers over t he years, most notably Lan Medina and Steve Leialoha. Fables was launched in July 2002, and concluded in July 2015.
The series features various characters from fairy tales and folklore â€" referring to themselves as "Fables" â€" who formed a clandestine community centuries ago within New York City known as Fabletown, after their Homelands have been conquered by a mysterious and deadly enemy known as "The Adversary". It is set in modern-day and follows several of Fabletown's legal representatives, such as sheriff Bigby Wolf, deputy mayor Snow White, her sister Rose Red, Prince Charming, and Boy Blue, as they deal with troublesome Fables and try to solve conflicts in both Fabletown and "the Farm", a hidden town in upstate New York for Fables unable to blend in with human society. The series also deals with such other matters as the main characters' personal lives, their attempts to hide the Fables' true nature from regular humans (or "Mundies"), and, later, the return of the Advers ary.
Fables was a critical and commercial success, winning many Eisner Awards and receiving several Hugo Award nominations for Best Graphic Story. Its success led to several spin-offs and a 2013 canon prequel video game titled The Wolf Among Us.
Genre Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Full Ebook Pdf: Comics


Fables Vol. 1: Legends in Exile
FABLES is the winner of 14 Eisner Awards and is one of the most enduring Vertigo titles ever. Here, in this new, 10th anniversary edition, is a newly colored 8-page story from the Fables prose work PETER & MAX: A FABLES NOVEL, as well as a beautiful new cover from series artist Mark Buckingham.
When a savage creature known only as the Adversary conquered the fabled lands of legends and fairy tales, all of the infamous inhabitants of folklore were forced into exile. Disguised among the ""mundys,"" their name for normal citizens of modern-day New York, these magical characters created their own secret society that they call Fabletown.
From their exclusive luxury apartment buildings on Manhattan's Upper West Side, these creatures of legend must fight for their survival in the new world.

Fables Vol. 2: Animal Farm
Collecting FABLES #6-10, the second story arc of the fan-favorite, critically acclaimed VERTIGO series. Travel to upstate New York, where the non-human Fable characters have found refuge on a farm, miles from mankind. But all is not well on the farm â€" and a conspiracy to free them from the shackles of their perceived imprisonment may lead to a war that could wrest control of the F ables community away from Snow White. Starring Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Plus, a sketchbook section featuring art by Willingham, Buckingham and Jean.

Fables Vol. 3: Storybook Love
A new Softcover collecting the acclaimed FABLES #11-18, including the 4-part "Storybook Love." Also included are the 2-part "A Sharp Operator" and the single-issue tales "Bag o' Bones" and "Barleycorn Brides." Don't miss this amazing third collection, topped off with a stunning new wraparound cover by James Jean.

Fables Vol. 4: March of the Wooden Soldiers
Bill Willingham's runaway hit series FABLES continues its success in this fourth trade paperback, collecting issues #19-21 and #23-27 (issue #22 will appear in a future collection) and featuring the rise of a new threat to Fabletown. Also included is the Prestige Format Special Fables: The Last Castle. When Little Red Riding Hood suddenly walks through the gate between this world and the lost Fable Homelands, she's welcomed as a miraculous survivor by nearly everyone - everyone except her old nemesis, Bigby Wolf, who smells spying and subversion more than survival. But will he be able to prove his case before disaster strikes? And how will it all affect Prince Charming's upstart campaign to become the new mayor of Fabletown?

Fables Vol. 5: The Mean Seasons
Collecting issues 22 and 28-33 of the hit VERTIGO series, this trade paperback features two tales of Bigby's exploits during World War II as well as "The Year After," which follows the aftermath of the Adversary's attempt to conquer Fabletown â€" including the birth of Snow White and Bigby's children!

Fables Vol. 6: Homelands
Collecting issues #34-41 of writer Bill Willingham's Eisner Award-winning creation, HOMELANDS follows Boy Blue on a mission of revenge as he uncovers the Adve rsary's true identity! Plus, the 2-part story of Jack's adventures in Hollywood and the one-shot story of Mowgli's return to Fabletown.

Fables Vol. 7: Arabian Nights
Collecting issues #42-47 of writer Bill Willingham's Eisner Award-winning creation, FABLES: ARABIAN NIGHTS (AND DAYS) opens a new front in the struggle between the Fables and the Adversary as the worlds of the Arabian Fables are invaded â€" leading to an unprecedented diplomatic mission to Fabletown and a bad case of culture shock! This seventh volume of the popular Vertigo series also includes "The Ballad of Rodney and June," the 2-part story of forbidden love among the Adversary's wooden soldiers, and features stellar Art by Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha, Jim Fern, Jimmy Palmiotti and Andrew Pepoy.

Fables Vol. 8: Wolves
Collecting issues #48-51 of writer and creator Bill Willingham's award-winning Vertigo series, WOLVES also includes newly-created maps of Fabletown and the Homelands illustrated by Willingham and, as a special bonus, Willingham's complete script to the double-sized issue #50.

Fables Vol. 9: Sons of Empire
WINNER OF FOURTEEN EISNER AWARDS. The free Fables living in the mundane world have struck a decisive blow against the Adversary, destroying one of his most valuable assets at the very heart of his empire--and setting the stage for an all-out world between the worlds in the process. Now, while the ruler of the Homelands licks his wounds and gathers his forces, the denizens of Fabletown have a rare chance to savor the brief peace their victory has brought them. Everyone, however, knows that this is just the calm before the storm--and that even the winds themselves have to choose before it's over. Collects issues #52-59 in Bill Willingham's Eisner Award-winning Vertigo series.

Fables Vol. 10: The Good Prince
Collecting issues #60-69 of the hit series, collecting the epochal "Good Prince" storyline. Flycatcher is drawn into the spotlight as he discovers the startling truth about his own past as the Frog Prince. At the same time, he learns that the Adversary plans to destroy his foes once and for all. How can the meek Flycatcher stop this deadly foe?

Fables Vol. 11: War and Pieces
The final battle between the free Fables of the mundane world and the Empire occupying their former Homelands is about to begin, and the scrappy storybook heroes have already managed to even the odds considerably. With his previously unstoppable wooden soldiers neutralized, the Adversary is about to get his first taste of high technology in the form of steel-jacketed bullets and laser-guided bombs. But the ruler who conquered a hundred different worlds didn’t do it by fighting cleanâ€"and he’s still got a surprise or two left to spring on the residents of Fabletown.
Collects issues #70-75 in Bill Willingham’s Eisner Award-winning series.

Fables Vol. 12: The Dark Ages
Tourists of the world unite! If you've ever craved a guided tour of Fabletown's secret Manhattan location, prepare to be voraciously satiated. Pinnochio has a field day taking a certain VIP around the city. And exactly which Fabletown denizens are no longer active (dead, alive or otherwise) just might shock you into a comic book coma. Also in this volume, you'll find the 4-part story featuring Freddy and Mouse, two local rogues who just want to get along and perhaps turn a bit of profit in the post-war, topsy-turvy world. Meanwhile, in Fabletown, a new political group forms called the Society of Seconds, and what they want doesn't seem very reasonable at all.

Fables Vol. 13: The Great Fables Crossover
All nine issues of the long awaited crossover betwe en Vertigo's two popular series Fables and Jack of Fables are collected here.
The world of Fables is introduced to a whole new set of characters...The Literals. The Literals are characters that embody, literally, different literary genres such as Mystery, Comedy and Romance. One of The Literals goes by the name The Storymaker, one who can vanquish the world of Fables with one stroke of his pen.
When Jack discovers the existence of The Literals and their leader Kevin Thorn aka The Storymaker, Jack must leave his own book and crossover to the world of Fables to warn Fabletown about Kevin Thorn. Does the The Storymaker plan to close the book on the Fables universe once and for all?
The Great Fables Crossover features appearances from Fables favorites such as Snow White, Bigby Wolf, Rose Red, Jack Frost, Beauty and The Beast.

Fables Vol. 14: Witches
While the meek and mild flying monkey Bufkin is trapped in Fabletown's collapsed business office with the evil witch Baba Yaga, Frau Totenkinder and the witches at the Farm upstate prepare to deal with Mister Dark down in what's left of Fabletown.

Fables Vol. 15: Rose Red
The next collection in the New York Times best selling series.
Rose Red, sister of Snow White, has finally hit rock bottom. Does she stay there, or is it time to start the long, tortuous climb back up? The Farm is in chaos, as many factions compete to fill the void of her missing leadership. And there’s a big magical fight brewing down in the town square, right under her window.

Fables Vol. 16: Super Team
Now why oh why in this mixed-up world would we saddle an important series that has never had anything to do with Super Heroes with a title like “Super Team”? And why has that snotty little Pinocchio suddenly got it into his head that he needs to design tight-fitting costumes for a carefu lly selected team of Fables? In fact, why was the little brat caught looking over his own comic-book collection, mumbling things like, “We can call him Werewolf Man, and he can be The Golden Knight, and she can be called The Green Witch?”
This volume also includes a special story illustrated by Terry Moore (Echo, Strangers in Paradise)!

Fables Vol. 17: Inherit the Wind
The tights and capes have been stored away forever, but it remains to be seen if Haven and its refugee inhabitants have survived the onslaught of. Where do the Fables go from here? Bigby and Snow White's cubs try to move forward after learning a hard lesson about life and death. And the loveable, fan-favorite hero Bufkin the Flying Monkey gets into more trouble when he finally reaches his homeland of Oz.
This Fables volume includes issues 108-113 of the original series.

Fables Vol. 18: C ubs in Toyland
For years, Snow White and Bigby Wolf's cubs have grown up knowing that one of them was destined for a much greater, more grave role amongst the Fables community. But no one knew how soon it would come.
When Snow and Bigby's cub Therese receives a Christmas gift from an unknown admirer, this red plastic boat magically takes her on a journey to a desolate place known as Toyland. Will Therese be their savior? Or their destroyer? FABLES VOL. 18: CUBS IN TOYLAND is the latest epic from New York Times best-selling author Bill Willingham's hit series FABLES, as the Bigby Wolf cubs learn that adventures in the land of misfit toys is much less fun than it sounds.
Also collected here are all the backup stories that feature Bufkin's exploits in the land of Oz, beautifully painted by Shaw McManus (CINDERELLA: FROM FABLETOWN WITH LOVE).

Fables Vol. 19: Snow White
With Castle Dark no w back in the hands of the Fables, mysteries both young and old begin to challenge the residents of Fabletown. Bigsby and Stinky set off from Fabletown in Rose Red's blood-fueled sports car to track down the two abducted cubs. Unfortunately for Snow White, besides suffering the trauma of having two of her cubs go missing, a long forgotten secret uncovered in Castle Dark threatens to sabatoge her and Bigsby's marriage.
This volume also collects the backup adventures of Bufkin and Lily from issues #114-121, as well as their full length adventures found in issue #124.
Collected here are FABLES issues #114-123 (back-up stories only) and issues #124-129.

Fables Vol. 20: Camelot
Rose Red finally and formally takes on the mantle of Paladin of Hope to heroically rally the Fables in the tragic aftermath of "Snow White." A new dark age calls for a new Round Table, with modern knights willing to take on a sacred quest to reassemble the sha ttered pieces of Fabletown.
Collects issues #130-140 of this 14-time Eisner-Award-winning series.

Fables Vol. 21: Happily Ever
After thirteen years and tales beyond counting, the saga of Fabletown is drawing to a close - but it’s not going gentle into that good night. With HAPPILY EVER AFTER, the creative juggernaut of Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha and Andrew Pepoy are joined by an armada of special guest talents - including Matthew Sturges, Eric Shanower, Shawn McManus, Jae Lee, Terry Moore, Russ Braun and Chrissie Zullo - for the penultimate chapter in the celebrated FABLES chronicles! Collects issues #141-149.

Fables Vol. 22: Farewell
The New York Times Best-selling Series and Winner of 14 Eisner Awards! Completing more than thirteen years of critically-acclaimed storytelling, FABLES #150 is here! Doubling as the final volume of the series, creator Bill Willi ngham, artist Mark Buckingham and a host of the industry’s finest artists deliver the end to this legendary Vertigo series that sees the final fates of beloved characters Bigby Wolf, Snow White, Rose Red, Boy Blue, Pinocchio and countless others. Ready or not, ever after is here.

Download Instructions Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22) Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22):
Vol. 01-04 (1.06 GB)
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Vol. 05-08 (948.61 MB)
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Vol. 09-12 (1.2 GB)
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Vol. 13-16 (1.3 GB)
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Vol. 17-19 (800.39 MB)
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Vol. 20-22 (915.9 MB)
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Vol. 01-04 (1.06 GB)
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Vol. 05-08 (948.61 MB)
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Vol. 09-12 (1.2 GB)
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Vol. 13-16 (1.3 GB)
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Vol. 17-19 (800.39 MB)
Download Fables by Bill Willingham, Mark Buckingham, Lan Medina, Steve Leialoha (Vol 1-22)
Vol. 20-22 (915.9 MB)
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